Tuesday 13 May 2008

Drawing. Violin. Yoga

A8. Pen

I see a lot of good similarities in Drawing, Violin and Yoga.

Drawing and Violin are both forms of expression.
Violin and Yoga are both precise and physical.
I find Drawing and Yoga are often 'human form' focused.

In all cases they actively stimulate the right side of the brain and often give rise to a similar heightened state. A stripping away of insecurities and inhibitions. Raw and physical, yet at the same time generating an 'out of body' experience.

What I am struggling with is; how can I combine the experience of all 3?


Kahne said...

Hmmm... The more I think about this the more I'm not sure it's worth while.

Perhaps they are good because they are different.
- Perhaps yoga is an exploration of the body.
- Perhaps drawing is a way of learning.
- Perhaps music is a window into the unreal.

Perhaps trying to merge them limits them.

Despite all that, I would like to work out a way to do this conveniently.

Kahne said...


Dynamics = Contrast.
Intonation / Key Signature = Colour.
Rhythm = Contour / Form.

One major difference between music and art is that music also has a timeline... Achieving the same thing with art is not basic and necessary but rather one of the hardest things to achieve.

It's weird. Mediums are different and they shouldn't be fought. Some mediums suit different ideas or messages. Pen, Pencil, Watercolour, Charcoal, Acrylic, Oil, Gouache, Violin, Piano, Text, Dance, ...

I've got some ideas. I wonder what new 'medium' I can invent that would express the idea easiest.

'Easiest' is an important thing. This stuff shouldn't be difficult :)